Whooping Crane Rescue

Getting to witness the rescue of a lost and seemingly exhausted young, federally-endangered Whooping Crane from a residential front-yard in Wilmette, IL., today was beyond incredible. Big Shoutouts to Brad Semel from Illinois Department of Natural Resources (who got himself onto the scene as soon as he heard about the bird, and communicated with multiple other organizations to determine an action plan), the amazing team from International Crane Foundation (who drove 3+ hours on a moment’s notice to handle this sensitive rescue with complete and total aplomb!), Jeff Bilsky for getting IDNR engaged in the first place, and Tamima Itani for taking the lead on establishing an ad hoc volunteer team to help keep things calm and quiet on a busy residential block, just as a nearby school was letting out, while the rescue commenced and completed around 3:30 PM, nearly eight hours after the bird was first reported on the block. Early reports are that the rescued Whooper, whose name is Animal (her entire brood was named after The Muppets), is fine after getting separated from her flock and losing her way. She’s now in a van on her way back to the site of her captive-rearing at ICF in Wisconsin. Here’s hoping she can be quickly evaluated, treated as needed, and released back into the Crane flock at Horicon Marsh in short order. Here are just a few highlights of a truly memorable afternoon in Wilmette:

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